The Indigenous Fishing Festival


The Indigenous Fishing Festival was conceptualised as an opportunity for Indigenous communities around Australia to share their traditional fishing techniques. The festival allows communities to share their knowledge and culture with a wide audience, and educate on the importance of sustainable fishing practices.

As a non-Indigenous person, I wanted to ensure my designs were accurate and representative of the culture and community. If the festival were real, art would be commissioned by local Indigenous artists, but for this situation, I created a design inspired by  Holly Sanders' piece, Country and Community. This was used as a motif across the branding elements and proof of concept presentation design. 

The assets I produced included a poster, lanyards and social media posts.

  • Develop a proof of concept presentation for an original festival concept. In your presentation, include your branding direction and examples of promotional material.

  • We produced a festival called the Indigenous Fishing Festival, focused on teaching the public about traditional, sustainable fishing methods used by Indigenous communities around Australia. This was a group project, but I was solely responsible for the design work.

  • Identity Design
    Social media


Helping the Helpers

